Palm Sunday/Youth Sunday

Palm Sunday/Youth Sunday

A week before Easter, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  He came as the King who served and gave an example of how to live as a part of God’s love in the world.  As he rode into Jerusalem, crowds gathered along the road, waving palm branches and...
Children’s Sunday

Children’s Sunday

Sunday, September 30 is Children’s Sunday!  Our Children will lead us in worship and Bibles will be presented to our 3rd-Graders. We will have special guests, Doug and Cindy Phillips, from Brethren Woods, our local Church of the Brethren camp and outdoors...
April 29, 2018 Combined Worship

April 29, 2018 Combined Worship

This Sunday at Pleasant Valley!  “What the World Needs to See!”  Jerry Ruff will be preaching for a combined worship service at 10:30 am.  Fifth Sunday Coffee and Fellowship will be in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am.  Children’s...
Youth Sunday, April 15!

Youth Sunday, April 15!

Come join us as our youth lead us in worship on April 15, celebrating the way God teaches us to live together!  The theme matches the Church of the Brethren National Youth Conference that our youth will be attending this summer: “Bound Together: Clothed in...