March 29 Online worship

March 29 Online worship

Good morning!  I hope that this week finds you safe and secure.  I know that many of you are feeling worn out and worried, but I trust and believe that God has the power to see us through all circumstances.  I encourage you to take this time to place yourself and your...
March 29 Online worship

March 22 Online Worship

Welcome to our online worship service!  No, this is not the same as worshiping together, but it is a way of continuing to gather together around the scripture as we are apart.  There are many times in history when the church has gathered in secret for safety.  Those...
January 5: Combined Worship and Communion

January 5: Combined Worship and Communion

In Acts 6, we read how the early church called Deacons, to aid in the ministry of caring and administering the table. We continue that practice today! On Sunday, January 5, we will gather for a single service celebrating the living of God’s care in our lives. During...
Christmas Eve Worship 2019

Christmas Eve Worship 2019

“To us a Child of Hope is Born!  To us a Son is Given!” Come join us for a service of Music and Carols as we celebrate Jesus birth this Christmas Eve!   The Worship service will begin at 7PM and all are invited for a Cookies and Refreshments afterwards. ...
Junior High Sunday

Junior High Sunday

“Strong and Courageous!Junior High Sunday, November 3″I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NRSV Come join us as our Junior High Youth help us...