Pleasant Valley Offers five different opportunities to learn in a small group during Sunday School each Sunday Morning.
Vineyard ClassWho we are: College age to 40’s, singles, couples & young families.
How we study: Variety of Bible studies or topical subjects.
Who leads: Class members, occasionally other members of congregation.


Genesis ClassWho we are: Parents of school age children to college age children.
How we study: Bible study is the primary focus, topic & materials vary.
Who leads: Leaders are from within the class.
 JubileeWho we are: Multigenerational
How we study: Bible studies, various books, environmentally friendly topics
Who leads: Class members with interactive class discussions.
 Open DoorWho we are: Baby Boomers & up
How we study: Bible study from the Old & New Testaments.
Topics related to living the Christian life as outlined in the International Lesson Series.
Who leads: Class members 
 New Life SeekersWho we are: Ages 50-100
How we study: Topical lessons from the “Wired Word”, Various books, Bible study.
Who leads: Members of the class
Current Study: “The Coming Economic Armageddon” by Dr. David Jeremiah