Regular Worship Schedule

8:45 am Worship: Michael Scrogham and our worship team lead the congregation in praise music. This worship experience is somewhat informal and allows for congregational participation and interaction.

11:00 am Worship: The choir, under the direction of David Tate, sings each Sunday between September and June. Various musical groups and soloists provide special music each Sunday during the summer months. Familiar hymns and some not so familiar hymns are sung during this more traditional service of worship


Single Service Sundays: During the Summer (June 2-September 9 of 2019) we have combined worship services to come together as a single church family.  David and Michael work together to lead these services.  On Single Service Sundays, worship begins at 10:30 am, preceded by Sunday School at 9:30 am.

Every Fifth Sunday of the year we celebrate a Sharing Sunday You are invited to join us to Share a light breakfast (9:30AM), followed by a single share Worship Service (10:30AM).  On these Sundays we will also have special opportunity to share with our community.  Watch this website for each Sharing Sundays opportunity!