Pastor Harry joined us in August 2024. He has been an ordained pastor for 30 years serving the Mennonite Church and the Church of the Brethren. We look forward to Harry joining us. More details about Harry to come!

Pastor Harry Jarrett

Harry Jarrett, Pastor

Sherry has been a long-time member of PVCOB and joined our staff in June 2024. We are excited to have her and will benefit from her many gifts, talents, and strong faith.   

Sherry Emerson, Office & Communications Director

David has directed church choirs since 1967 and has directed the adult choir at Pleasant Valley since 1994.  David is a graduate of Bridgewater College who retired after being a public school music educator for 37 years in Augusta County.

Pastor Harry Jarrett

David Tate, Director of Music

Jeremiah has been the pianist at Pleasant Valley since 2018. He earned his degrees from James Madison University and the University of Memphis. He and his wife, Sarah, continue to enjoy making music at Pleasant Valley.

Dr. Padilla

Dr. Jeremiah Padilla, Pianist/Organist